Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wuthering Heights vs. Thrushcross Grange

If I had to choose whether to live in Wuthering Heights or Thrushcross Grange, I would choose Wuthering Heights. Wuthering Heights has more a more free feel to it than the Grange. If I lived at the Grange I'd feel like I were stuck in a shell, something that I did not want to be. Edgar and Isabella were raised to be proper and elegant but Heathcliff and Catherine were more free spirited and loose. Also, Catherine has a friendly relationship with Nelly Dean which was not like the Linton's has with their servants. On the other hand, I can see why Catherine is torn between the two houses. On on side, she can be herself and rowdy and outgoing with Heathcliff but on the other she has to be ladylike and act refined at Thrushcross Grange. Sometimes girls think it's fun to dress up and act sophisticated but they also love, and most prefer to be themselves and act silly.

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